COFFEE is commonly known as the “green gold” of the Highlands people to sustain their livelihhood.

Most of the time when they have family obligations they will refer to the coffee peak season because this is when they have a lot of money from the coffee to take care of bride price contributions, compensation and also pay for their children school fees.

Some small coffee farmers put their hard earned coffee money to proper use but some of them spend their money unnecessarily to gambling and to consume alcohol and homebrew (steam).

A coffee cherry buyer John Tumbe said coffee was the only commodity for the people in the Highlands region but because of the beans were infected by the coffee berry borer, it was affecting the small coffee growers at the village level.

He said the coffee growers were now seeing the difference because they were selling more cherries and getting less because the beans had no weight.

He said government negligence is now affecting the small people dramatically.

Mr Tumbe said the coffee growers were selling their wightless cherries, saying that the berry borer started infecting coffee back in 2017 and it took too long for the government to address this issue